This is the complete agenda for HAQAST6, version2
File: HAQAST6_Agenda_2.pdfThis is the complete agenda for HAQAST6, version2
File: HAQAST6_Agenda_2.pdfThis is a finalized agenda for the HAQAST6 Meeting in Pasadena, California.
File: HAQAST6_FINAL.pdfThis is a draft of the agenda for the HAQAST6 meeting in Pasadena, CA. Please consult the final version for complete details.
File: Outline-HAQAST6_Full_Draft.pdfThis agenda is not finalized and may be subject to change. Please consult the final agenda for a complete and accurate list of HAQAST6 events.
File: Outline-Agenda-HAQAST6.docxMore information about joining the Environmental Justice Tiger Team
File: Satellite-Data-for-Environmental-Justice-Flyer-Publicly-Shareable.pdf