The HAQAST 2025 Showcase was held on Tuesday, January 28th, 2025 in Washington, D.C. at NASA Headquarters in the James Webb Auditorium, with a TEMPO Information and Training Session held on Monday, January 27th at George Washington University.
At the Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team, our 14 PIs and 70+ total collaborating investigators have grown to support and serve hundreds of organizations across the U.S. and around the world. In our 2025 HAQAST showcase, we highlight the societal contributions of our team effort—successes that would not have been possible without the collaborative structure of this unique, applied research effort.

Over the course of the past four years, the Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (HAQAST) has worked to connect NASA satellite data and products with public health experts and air quality managers. Our public meetings are opportunities to grow these two-way dialogues in which stakeholders share their research needs and priorities, and scientists share their resources, insights, and new discoveries. This meeting highlighted success over the last four years, including increasing public engagement with NASA data, measuring health risks in unmonitored regions, and improving regulatory decision-making tools.
January 27th
- TEMPO Information and Training Session. Find slides and training materials here!
January 28th