The Health and Air Quality Applied Sciences Team (HAQAST)  works to connect NASA satellite data and products with public health experts and air quality managers. Our team of 14 PIs and 70+ total collaborating investigators has grown to support and serve hundreds of organizations across the U.S. and around the world. Our public meetings are opportunities to grow these two-way dialogues in which stakeholders share their research needs and priorities, and scientists share their resources, insights, and new discoveries.

Panel Recordings  Virtual Flash Talks Posters Photos  

HAQAST Utah was held in Salt Lake City, Utah, October 19-20, 2023 at the Utah Department of Environmental Quality. In this public meeting we discussed environmental justice, TEMPO, satellite-derived PM2.5, ground-level ozone, fires, dust, and heat, health impacts of air pollution, and more!

This meeting was an opportunity for sharing updates and new results, networking, and discussion.

Session 1A

Overview of NASA HAQAST

Opening Remarks

Kevin Cromar (New York University)

HAQAST Updates — Fall 2023

Tracey Holloway (HAQAST Team Leader, University of Wisconsin–Madison)

Explore Earth–HAQAST Utah 2023

John Haynes (Program Manager for Health and Air Quality Applications)

Session 2A

Focus on the West: Drying Lakes, Dust Storms and Health

Moderator: Pawan Gupta (NASA Goddard Space
Flight Center)

Dust Storms, Societal Impacts and Public Awareness

Daniel Tong (HAQAST Member, George Mason University)

Welcome to Air Quality Improvement Planning (AQIP) at Arizona Department of Environmental Quality

Yi Li (Arizona Department of Environmental Quality)

Characterization of Dust Emissions from Playa and Desert Surfaces in the Salton Sea Air Basin

Yohannes Yimam (Formation Environmental)

How Dry Must the Great Salt Lake Playa be to Emit Dust?

Thorn Merrill (Ramboll)

Session 2B

Multiple Pollutant Sources and Other Environmental Exposures

Moderator: Arlene Fiore (HAQAST Member,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Urban Heat + Health Project

Chris Uejio (HAQAST Member, Florida State University)

American Cancer Society

Rand Sakka (American Cancer Society)

Enhanced global estimates of fine particulate matter concentrations combining deep learning with geophysical a priori information

Randall Martin (HAQAST Member, Washington
University in St. Louis)

The OpenAQ Platform

Christine Hagerbaumer (Open AQ)

Session 3A

Focus on the West: Exposures and Health Impacts from Wildland Fires

Moderator: Jeff Pierce (HAQAST member, Colorado State University)

The Exceptional Events Demo Tool

Mary Uhl (Western States Air Resources Council)

The Association of Acute Smoke Exposure with Elevated ED visits for Anxiety Disorders in the Western US

Yang Liu (HAQAST Member, Emory University)

Wildland Fire Commission Report: A brief overview and connections to wildland fire, health and exposure to our future

Amber Soja (HAQAST member, National Institute of Aerospace, NASA Langley Research Center)

Annual Health Impacts from Wildland Fire Air Pollution in the United States

Laura Gladson (New York University)

Session 3B

Comparing Models and Observations: Strength and Limitations of Satellite Data

Moderator: Jen Kaiser (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Satellite Technology for Health and Air Quality: Instrument Challenges and Opportunities

Betsy Farris (Ball Aerospace)

Comparing Models and Observations

Brad Pierce (HAQAST Tiger Team Lead, University of Wisconsin–Madison)

Modeling and observations for fire and smoke events in 2023: A brief introduction of new satellite data

Jun Wang (University of Iowa)

Quantifying Landfill Methane Emissions: Fusion strategy

Amirhosein Mousavi (Waste Management)

Strengths & Limitations of Satellite Data: TEMPO Perspective & Early Results

Aaron Naeger (NASA)

Session 4A

Emissions from Mobile Sources, Commercial Transportation, and Inland Ports

Moderator: Randall Martin (HAQAST Member,
Washington University in St. Louis)

Evaluating the trends and spatial patterns of NOx emissions in urban areas using TROPOMI

Dan Goldberg (George Washington University)

Airports, Seaports, and Warehouses: Blending CMAQ and TROPOMI

Jen Kaiser (Georgia Institute of Technology)

The Role from NASA-funded Research in the Rapid Electrification of Mobile Sources

Zac Adelman (Lake Michigan Air Directors Consortium)

Chattanooga-Hamilton County Air Pollution Control Bureau

Claudia Gillman-Acuña (Chattanooga Hamilton
County Air Pollution Control Bureau)

Session 4B

Examining Exposure and Health Inequalities: Defining Environmental Justice in the context of Outdoor Air Pollution

Moderator: Chris Uejio (HAQAST Member, Florida State University)

Satellite Data for Environmental Justice: The SD4EJ Tiger Team

Qian Xiao (HAQAST Tiger Team Lead, University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston)

Disparities in air pollution exposure: Moving beyond the stationary monitor

Maeve MacMurdo (Cleveland Clinic)

Patterns of agricultural smoke exposure by sociodemographic characteristics in the Everglades Agricultural Area

Sheryl Magzamen (Colorado State University)

Examining Environmental Exposures and Health Inequalities

Antoinita Ifill (Healthier Glades, Palm Health Foundation)

Session 5A

Complementing Low-Cost PM2.5 Monitoring – How can satellite data provide value to community organizations and cities?

Moderator: Yang Liu (HAQAST Member, Emory University)

Combining low-cost sensors and satellite data to quantify smoke exposure in rural regions

Jeff Pierce (HAQAST Member, Colorado State University)

Voice of children’s health

Sarah Kroening (Children’s Health Alliance of Wisconsin)

Reanalysis, Satellites, Machine Learning and New Opportunities

Pawan Gupta (HAQAST Member, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center)

Integrating NASA Resources into the Standard Operating Procedures of Low-Moderate Income Countries (LMIC)

Bryan Duncan (HAQAST Member, NASA)

Session 5B

State Planning for Ozone – National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) and Other Federal

Moderator: Daniel Tong (HAQAST Member, George Mason University)

Implementation Plans for Ozone: National Ambient Air Quality Standards

Michael Geigert (Connecticut Department of Energy and Environment)

Synthesis of Satellite and Surface Measurements, Model Results and FRAPPE studies to Assess the Impacts of Oil and Gas Emissions Reductions on Maximum Ozone in the Denver Metro and Northern Front Range Region In Colorado

Patrick Reddy (Independent Scientist / Retired, Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment)

Linking NO2, HCHO, and surface zone: Insights from analysis and modeling of LISTOS data (June-August)

Arlene Fiore (HAQAST Member and Tiger Team Lead, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Broadening Access to Satellite Data

Tracey Holloway (HAQAST Team Lead, University of Wisconsin—Madison)

Session 6

Flash Talks: Data Products and Tools

Moderator: Bryan Duncan (HAQAST Member, NASA)

Integrated Air Quality Information Platform

Thomas Huang (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology)

ASDC Tools and Services

Sarah Hafer-Martin (NASA ASDC)

Synergistic Tempo Air Quality Science

Laura Judd (NASA Langley)

Data Introspection

Doug Boyer (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality)

The Tropospheric ozone trends from Tropospheric Ozone and Earth System Sounding (TROPESS) Project: An update on data products, data availability and science results

Greg Osterman (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology)

Session 7

Closing Remarks From Measurement to Action: Translating Data to Decision-Making

Moderator: Tracey Holloway (HAQAST Team Lead, University of Wisconsin—Madison)

Bryce Bird (Utah Department of Environmental

Can Satellite Data Drive Public Policy for Fine Particulate Pollution?

Michael Cheeseman (NOAA)

Scientific Research and Public Decision-making

Kevin Cromar (New York University)

Satellite Data Uncover Nationwide Air Pollution Impacts from Warehousing

Gaige Kerr (George Washington University)

Virtual Flash Talks

Elizabeth Joyner (NASA ESDS)

AQ Data Pathfinder for Your HAQAST Applications

Nathan Jester (Atmospheric Science Data Center)

ASDC’s Suborbital Order Tool

Kristen Okorn (NASA Ames Research Center)

Co-Location with Ground-Based Remote Sensing


Molly Blakowski (Utah State University)

Great Salt Lake dust contains bioavailable metals that may affect human health through direct ingestion or accumulation in food crops

Sarah Hafer-Martin (NASA, ASDC)

ASDC Tools and Services

Yun Hang (The University of Texas Health Center at Houston)

Atmospheric Elemental Carbon Pollution and Its Regional Health Disparities in China

Nora Hartnett (Loyola University Chicago)

Investigating the Impacts of Smoke on Fine Particle Pollution in Chicago

Giovanna Henery and Dustin Tucker (Colorado State University)

#CatchingFire: Gen Z knowledge, perceptions, and social media sharing behavior about FL sugarcane

John Horel (University of Utah)

Monitoring Air Quality in Northern Utah Using Fixed and Mobile Sensors

Thomas Huang (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology)

Integrated Air Quality Information Platform

Nathan Jester (NASA ASDC)

Atmospheric Science Data Center’s Suborbital Tools and Services

Meryl Kruskopf (University of Alabama, Huntsville/ NASA SERVIR)

Breathing Easy: How SERVIR Applies Research to Address Air Quality Challenges in Data Scarce Regions

Julianne Liu (NASA DEVELOP)

NASA DEVELOP’s Approach to Leveraging Earth Observations for Environmental Justice at the Great Salt Lake and in the San Joaquin Valley.

Hazem Mahmoud (NASA ASDC)

Evaluating Diurnal Ozone Emissions: A Comparative Analysis of DSCOVR EPIC, PANDORA, and TOLNet Data for Space-Based Monitoring Assessment: A Case Study by ASDC

Aryiana Moore (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Pinpointing Ports: Comparing CMAQ Modelling with Satellite and Ground Observations to Understand Current Capabilities for Assessing Port-Related Air Quality Impact

Greg Osterman (Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology)

The Tropospheric Ozone and its Precursors from Earth System Sounding (TROPESS) project: An update on data products, data availability and science results.

Suhung Shen (George Mason University and NASA GES DISC)

Data and Services at GES DISC for HAQAST

R. Scott Van Pelt (USDA)

Salinity Effects on the Threshold Wind Velocity Necessary to Initiate Erosion


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HAQAST Utah Photos