Getting Started
NASA Giovanni is a flexible, though somewhat complicated platform that allows a user to average remote-sensing data over time, create a range of plot types and formats, compare variables, and graphically display information. You can also download plot source files in netCDF format.
For a far more detailed overview of Giovanni and everything that it can do, here’s the User Manual. A pdf version of this tutorial is available here.
Getting started with NASA Giovanni
First, open NASA Giovanni (Tip: bookmark the page)
- Select your Plot. Members of the Air Quality (AQ) community are likely to find that a Time Averaged Map is the most useful plot to choose. Time Series (described below), which displays as a set of line graphs, may also be useful for your purposes.
Working with Time Averaged Maps
- There are a few different Time Averaged Maps from which you can choose. Click the Details link beneath each to see which one is best suited for your purposes.
- Next, select a Date Range for which you would like to see data. (You will not be able to specify start hours for either Time Averaged Maps or Time Series Plots.)
- Note: Time Averaged Maps take a long time to run. The larger the date range, the more time it will take Giovanni to complete your map. Expect to be waiting at least a few minutes.
- Select Region (the default region is the whole earth).
- Click Bounding Box to select a square section of the earth.
- Zoom in and to a specific part of the globe using the + and –.
- Use your mouse to select a square region of the map.
- To undo the selected region, click twice anywhere on the map.
- Click Bounding Box to select a square section of the earth.
b. Click Select a Shape to choose specific countries, U.S. States, watersheds, landmasses only, or oceans only.
i. Zoom in and out on a specific part of the globe using the + and –.
ii. You can also click and drag to highlight a rectangular region within a selected shape.
- Finally, select the variables you would like to map.
- There are nearly two thousand variables from which you can choose. You can search by keyword in the search field.
- AQ users will also find it useful to filter variables by discipline. To do so, click Disciplines.
- Check the box for either Aerosols or Atmospheric Chemistry, for example.
- A list of variables will appear. Check the box(es) of the ones you want to map.
5. Once you’ve chosen your variables, click Plot Data.
- Note: Different variables are available for different temporal resolutions and durations. If you select a variable that is unavailable for the parameters you select, you’ll be alerted with an error message and will need to change your parameters.
- If you selected a relatively small geographical region (a state, for instance) you may find that your map is entirely gray and seemingly without data. Giovanni initially displays your results on a world map. Zoom in to your selected region.
- You may find that the map would be easier to read if the colors were rescaled. To do so, click Layers and then select Options.
- Change the Minimum and Maximum for a wider or narrower scale.
- Select a higher-contrast color palette by clicking View All Palettes.
- Choose the palette that fits your needs.
- Click Add Palette.
- Click Re-Plot
- Download your data.
- Click Download (a) and when prompted, choose the file format that works best for your needs.
- If you’d like to download your data in NetCDF format (to plot in Panoply, for instance), click Downloads (b) and select NetCDF.
Working with Time Series
- If you’d like to see your data displayed in a line graph, choose Time Series. The process is fairly similar to working with Time Averaged Maps.
- For the AQ community, you’ll want to select an Area-Averaged graph.
- Next, select a Date Range for which you would like to see data.
- Note: Time Series graphs take a long time to run. The larger the date range, the more time it will take Giovanni to complete your graph. Expect to be waiting at least a few minutes.
- Select Region (the default region is the whole earth).
- Click Bounding Box to select a square section of the earth.
- Zoom in and to a specific part of the globe using the + and –.
- Use your mouse to select a square region of the map.
- To undo the selected region, click twice anywhere on the map.
- Click Bounding Box to select a square section of the earth.
b. Click Select a Shape to choose specific countries, U.S. States, watersheds, landmasses only, or oceans only.
i. Zoom in and out on a specific part of the globe using the + and –.
ii. You can also click and drag to highlight a rectangular region within a selected shape.
- Finally, select the variables you would like to map.
- There are nearly two thousand variables from which you can choose. You can search by keyword in the search field.
- AQ users will also find it useful to filter variables by discipline. To do so, click Disciplines.
- Check the box for either Aerosols or Atmospheric Chemistry, for example.
- A list of variables will appear. Check the box(es) of the ones you want to map.
5. Once you’ve chosen your variables, click Plot Data.
- Download your data.
- Click Download (a) and when prompted, choose the file format that works best for your needs.
- If you’d like to download your data in a csv format, click Downloads (b) and select csv.
Q: Why can’t I select a start hour for either Time Averaged Maps or Time Series Plots?
A: Temporal resolution varies between plot type and variable type. For Time Averaged Maps and Time Series Plots, hourly resolution is not available. Giovanni will use a daily or monthly data average to create maps and plots.
Q: What should I do if my Time Averaged Map does not appear correctly?
A: Check known issues link and browser compatibility. Also try switching web browsers.
Q: I’d like to graph/map formaldehyde. Can I do that with Giovanni?
A: Not as of yet.
Q: Can I plot two variables simultaneously when using Time-Averaged Map or Times Series Plot?
A: Two variables will not be expressed either on Time-Averaged Map or Times Series Plot. Time Series Plot will show you two different graphs, which express each variable in order.
Q: I’d like to make a difference of time-averaged maps for the same variable. In other words, I’m trying to compare levels of AOD from 2004 to levels of AOD from 2014. Will Giovanni let me do this?
A: No, Giovanni won’t. That operation takes too much computing power. However, you can make difference maps using NASA’s Panoply tool. For more information, go to the Panoply page.
Q: I’m having trouble with my browser/compatibility issues/etc.
A: Visit this link for a list of Giovanni’s known issues.