HAQAST December Newsletter
This newsletter includes new information on the 2025 HAQAST public meeting, feedback requests and more.
HAQAST September Newsletter
This newsletter includes more information on upcoming events of interest, calls for manuscripts and exciting job and internship opportunities.
HAQAST July Newsletter
This newsletter provides recordings from the HAQAST public meeting, new data and upcoming events and trainings.
HAQAST April Newsletter
This newsletter provides updates on HAQAST Massachusetts as well as HAQAST news, information about new data set, and many opportunities and meetings.
HAQAST December Newsletter
This newsletter announces the next public 2024 HAQAST meeting in Boston, Massachusetts. Additionally it shares other opportunities, upcoming events, and resources.
HAQAST November Newsletter
This newsletter links to recordings and photos from the HAQAST Utah meeting. It also announces the next Tiger Team meetings, other events of interest, and postdoctoral research opportunities.
HAQAST Utah Meeting
This newsletter contains information for the HAQAST Utah Meeting on October 19-20th, 2023.
HAQAST September Newsletter
This newsletter announces the Tiger Team Kickoff Events as well as upcoming seminars and meetings.
June, 2023 Newsletter
This newsletter shares more information about the upcoming HAQAST Utah, newly developed HAQAST resources, and many upcoming workshops, events, and trainings.
April, 2023 Newsletter
This newsletter announces the dates for the HAQAST Utah meeting, includes final detail on HAQAST Missouri, and information about other upcoming trainings and meetings of interest.
February/March, 2023 Newsletter
This newsletter shares updates for the HAQAST Missouri meeting and other upcoming opportunities including two seminar series.
HAQAST Missouri Newsletter
This newsletter is a special update for HAQAST Missouri meeting, announcing the dates and further information.
HAQAST Wisconsin Newsletter
This newsletter is a special reminder for HAQAST Wisconsin meeting with final meeting information including zoom links and registration.
August/September, 2022 Newsletter
This newsletter provides further information about HAQAST Wisconsin as well as details about upcoming workshops and trainings.
June, 2022 Newsletter
This newsletter includes recordings from HAQAST Texas meeting, more information on the HAQAST ambassadors program, and the dates and registration link for HAQAST Wisconsin.
April, 2022 Newsletter
This newsletter includes the schedule for the HAQAST Texas meeting, introduces the HAQAST Wisconsin meeting, and includes other opportunities to engage and learn more about utilizing satellite data.
February 2022, Newsletter
This newsletter introduces the upcoming HAQAST Texas meeting and includes information on upcoming seminars, challenges, and training opportunities.
December, 2021 Newsletter
Information for the January meeting: HAQAST Update22, and the Methane Work Group.
March, 2021 Newsletter
This is newsletter introducing the new team to HAQAST-3, showcasing the HAQAST-2 Final Report, and a reminder for the online meeting: HAQAST Launch21.
April, 2019 Newsletter
This HAQAST newsletter reflects on HAQAST 4 & 5 meetings, provides an update on HAQAST's Tiger Teams, and includes registration information for HAQAST 6, along with research/news and website updates.
January, 2018 Newsletter
This HAQAST newsletter includes a reflection on HAQAST3, as well as an update on HAQAST's Tiger Teams, and research/news and website updates.
May, 2017 Newsletter
This HAQAST newsletter includes a reflection of HAQAST2, research and stakeholder updates as well as an announcement of a funding opportunity.
January, 2017 Newsletter
This HAQAST newsletter provides details for registering for the public stakeholder meeting.
HAQAST November Newsletter
This newsletter provides updates on HAQAST news, funding opportunities and new datasets.
HAQAST August Newsletter
This newsletter offers updates on the next HAQAST public meeting, new datasets, plus more events and opportunities of interest.
HAQAST May Newsletter
This newsletter includes more updates on HAQAST Massachusetts, along with further information on funding opportunities and data applications.
HAQAST February Newsletter
This newsletter includes more information about the HAQAST Massachusetts meeting as well as internship opportunities, funding, and upcoming meetings and events of interest.
HAQAST October Newsletter
This newsletter announces the HAQAST Tiger Team meetings, Project Phoenix, seminar series dates and other events of interest.
HAQAST July Newsletter
This newsletter contains updates on the Environmental Justice Training, information about the upcoming HAQAST public meeting and other events of interest.
New Tiger Teams Announcement Newsletter
This newsletter announces the selection of the new round of Tiger Teams, newly developed HAQAST resources, and recordings from the HAQAST Missouri meeting.
March, 2023 Newletter
This newsletter includes further information about the HAQAST Missouri meeting including panel topics and room reservations as well as additional meetings of interest.
January, 2023 Newsletter
This newsletter seeks stakeholder reviewers for the Tiger Team proposals as well as provides other opportunities to engage and learn more about utilizing satellite data.
November, 2022 Newsletter
This newsletter announces the new round of Tiger Team proposals, the recordings from the HAQAST Wisconsin meetings, and other relevant upcoming seminars.
October, 2022 Newsletter
This newsletter shares the agenda for the HAQAST Wisconsin meeting, and includes other opportunities to engage and learn more about utilizing satellite data.
July, 2022 Newsletter
This newsletter includes information about trainings and conferences, including the NASA ARSET Training, AGU Fall meeting, MAIA-TEMPO Environmental Justice Workshop, and AmeriGEO Week 2022.
May, 2022 Newsletter
This newsletter introduces the launch of our new HAQAST ambassador program, and provides updates on upcoming opportunities and HAQAST meetings.
March, 2022 Newsletter
This newsletter provides further updates on HAQAST Texas and includes information on upcoming virtual seminars.
January, 2022 Newsletter
This newsletter includes recordings from the HAQAST Update22 Meeting, announcements of upcoming meetings and workshops, as well as information on the NASA Airathon challenge and other networks and training opportunities.
November, 2021 Newsletter
This update introduces the next meeting, HAQAST Update22, and the formation of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Vegetation Fire and Smoke Pollution Warning Advisory and Assessment System (VFSP-WAS) North America Centre.
July, 2020 Newsletter
An announcement regarding the HAQAST Final Showcase meeting online, including schedule.
November, 2019 Newsletter
HAQAST Team Leader Tracey Holloway gives a recap on the HAQAST6 meeting in Pasadena, CA, and introduces HAQAST2020, the upcoming webinar series.
April, 2018 Newsletter
This HAQAST newsletter includes registration information for the HAQAST4 meeting, as well as research and news updates.
July, 2017 Newsletter
This HAQAST newsletter includes an introduction to HAQAST's Tiger Teams, as well as research and news updates.
February, 2017 Newsletter
This HAQAST newsletter includes a reflection from our HAQAST1 meeting, as well as research and news updates.