Liu co-authored work on estimating PM2.5 concentrations
Liu co-authored work in Environmental Science and Technology on estimating PM2.5 concentrations using the random forest approach
Tong co-authored work in Geoscientific Model Development
Tong co-authored research about aerosol data assimilation with CMAQ over the contiguous United States in the journal of Geoscientific Model Development
Jin and Fiore published research in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Jin and Fiore co-authored work assessing uncertainty of estimating surface fine particulate matter distributions with a geophysical approach.
Neu published research in Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics
Neu co-authored research in ACP titled 'Seasonal and spatial changes in trace gases over megacities from Aura TES observations: two case studies'
Neu and Fiore published research in Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene
Neu and Fiore co-authored research in Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, called 'Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report: Assessment of global-scale model performance for global and regional ozone distributions, variability, and trends'
Yang Liu co-authored work in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
Liu co-authored work in IJERPH, titled 'The Potential Impact of Satellite-Retrieved Cloud Parameters on Ground-Level PM2.5 Mass and Composition'
HAQAST Members Contribute to 2017 – 2027 Decadal Survey
The US National Research Council has just released its second decadal survey, Thriving on Our Changing Planet: A Decadal Strategy for Earth Observations from Space. The decadal survey is a comprehensive scientific and policy overview, written by a large team of subject-matter experts, that provides suggestions and guidance for the coming decade of federal Earth observation. Two HAQAST members (Bryan Duncan and Ted Russell) are among the authors of the Weather and Air Quality panel, HAQAST collaborator Steve Ackerman co-chaired the panel, and team leader Tracey Holloway was a reviewer, all of which is evident from the panel’s focus on air quality and public health!
Duncan published research in Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene
Duncan co-authored research published in Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, called 'A decade of changes in nitrogen oxides over regions of oil and natural gas activity in the United States'
Fiore and Duncan co-authored research published in the Journal of Geophysical Research
Fiore and Duncan co-authored research titled 'Evaluating a Space-Based Indicator of Surface Ozone-NOx-VOC Sensitivity Over Midlatitude Source Regions and Application to Decadal Trends'
Hess co-authored work published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Hess co-authored work titled 'Speciated Pollen Season Parameters, Trends, and Associations with Temperature in the Contiguous United States'
Hess co-authored research on the associations between pollen counts and morbidity measures
Hess co-authored research in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, titled 'Associations between Total and Speciated Pollen Counts and Several Morbidity Measures in the Contiguous United States from 2008 to 2015'
Holloway co-authored work published in Environmental Research Letters
Watch the video abstract for Holloway's work on the Impact of warmer weather on electricity sector emissions due to building energy use, published in Environmental Research Letters
Kinney co-authored work published in Science of the Total Environment
Kinney co-authored work titled 'Seasonal and temperature modifications of the association between fine particulate air pollution and cardiovascular hospitalization in New York state'
Holloway co-authored work on air pollution impacts on avian species
Holloway and Sanderfoot published work in Environmental Research Letters, titled 'Air pollution impacts on avian species via inhalation exposure and associated outcomes'
O'Neill published blog about California Smoke Information
O'Neill's post outlines how smoke traveling down-canyon from the Island fire to Northern California was clearly visible on the new GOES 16 satellite product
Tong co-authored work on the impact of the 2008 recession on U.S. air quality
Daniel Tong co-authored work on the impact of the 2008 Global Recession on air quality over the U.S., and implications for surface ozone levels from changes in NOx emissions
Holloway co-authored work on air quality benefits from increased solar photovoltaic electricity generation in the Eastern United States
Tracey Holloway co-authored research, titled 'Potential air quality benefits from increased solar photovoltaic electricity generation in the Eastern United States' that was published in Atmospheric Environment
Holloway co-authored work on Constraining the uncertainty in emissions over India with a regional air quality model evaluation
Tracey Holloway co-authored research, titled 'Constraining the uncertainty in emissions over India with a regional air quality model evaluation' that was published in Atmospheric Environment
Tong co-authored work about PM2.5 developmental forecast guidance
Tong's work about NAQFC developmental forecast guidance for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) was featured in AMS: Weather and Forecasting
Tong co-authored work in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Tong's work about the impact of Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer Aerosol Optical Depth and AirNow PM2.5 assimilation on Community Multi-scale Air Quality aerosol predictions over the contiguous United States was featured in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres
Tong's work featured in Atmospheric Environment
Tong co-authored work on evaluating ammonia predictions in the NOAA National Air Quality Forecast Capability
Miller Published a Piece in Physics Today Profiling HAQAST
HAQAST Communications Coordinator Daegan Miller published a piece in Physics Today Profiling HAQAST and HAQAST Member work
West's work published in ERL
Jason West's work on the co-benefits of global, domestic, and sectoral greenhouse gas mitigation for US air quality and human health in 2050 was published in Environmental Research Letters.
West's work published in Nature
Jason West's work on future global mortality from changes in air pollution attributable to climate change was published in Nature.
Tong's work published in Geophysical Research Letters
Daniel Tong's work on intensified dust storm activity and Valley fever infection in the southwestern United States was published in Geophysical Research Letters.
Susan Anenberg and Daven Henze’s work published in Nature
Susan Anenberg and Daven Henze’s research on the health impacts of excess diesel-related NOx emissions was published in Nature.
Tracey Holloway’s work published in Environmental Science & Technology
Tracey Holloway’s work on ambient temperature and power plant emissions in the eastern United States was published in Environmental Science & Technology.
Mark Zondlo's work published in Environmental Science and Technology.
Mark Zondlo's work on vehicle emissions as an important urban ammonia source in the U.S. and China, was published in Environmental Science and Technology.
Daven Henze's work published in Environment International
Daven Henze collaborated with researchers at the Stockholm Environment Institute, and the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine to publish this piece in Environment International.
Anne Thompson published an article in the Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
HAQAST Collaborator, Anne Thompson recently published an article about ozone forecasting using satellite data as one approach in the Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
AQAST Impact Assessment published in the Journal of Air and Waste Management Association
An assessment of AQAST’s impact was recently published! See Milford, Jana B. and Daniel Knight, “Increasing the Use of Earth Science Data and Models in Air Quality Management,” Journal of Air and Waste Management Association.
West’s Work published in Environmental Science and Technology
West, Jason, et al. “What We Breathe Impacts Our Health: Improving Understanding of the Link between Air Pollution and Health,” Environmental Science and Technology.
Daven Henze’s work published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Daven Henze coauthored a paper on the climate and health impacts of cookstoves. Lacey, Forest et al. "Transient climate and ambient health impacts due to national solid fuel cookstove emissions," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.