Dr. Frank Freedman

Email: frank.freedman@sjsu.edu

San Jose State University
Faculty Profile

Frank Freedman is an expert in atmospheric boundary layers & turbulence, meteorological modeling (WRF, OpenFOAM), air pollution modeling (AERMOD, CALPUFF, HYSPLIT), and hydrometeorology. He is an adjunct professor and research scientist in the Department of Meteorology and Climate Science at San Jose State University. His HAQAST project involves developing a user-friendly web platform for health and public policy stakeholders to visualize air quality. For more information on his HAQAST Core Project.

HAQAST Presentations

Dispersion Model Downscaling of Satellite-Derived PM2.5 Grids

Developments Towards a Satellite-Informed High-Resolution PM2.5 Modeling System

A Satellite-Dispersion Modeling System to Downscale Fine Particulate Fields to Near-Road Scale


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