Dr. Susan O'Neill

Email: smoneill@fs.fed.us

USDA Forest Service
Pacific Northwest Research Station
Forest Service Profile

Susan O’Neill, who is based in Washington State, is a research air quality engineer for the US Forest Service. O’Neill brings to HAQAST an  interest in smoke and fire research for air quality and public health.

Susan’s HAQAST project aims to facilitate the adoption and use of earth observations directly into the decisions, communications and response of wildfire Incident Command Teams and local public health agencies during wildfire smoke events. We will pursue three primary tasks:

  1. Mine, analyze, synthesize, and deliver earth observations in tailored formats to Air Resource Advisors and public health agencies.
  2. Enhance the use of earth observations for smoke model evaluation and validation.
  3. Enhance the use of earth observations within the smoke prediction modeling chain.

Tiger Teams

Susan contributes to or leads the following Tiger Teams:

HAQAST Presentations


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